San Diego USD - CC25-0635-33-00-00

Solar Power Generation Systems at 10 Sites (Group C)
Bid Specs (click to expand/collapse)
Exhibit A (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
1. Exhibit A - Agreement v.3.0 40.9 KB
2. Attachment 1 Pricing Proposal to Exhibit A v.1.0 192.8 KB
2. Attachment 1 Pricing Proposal to Exhibit A v.1.0.xlsx 14.2 KB
Exhibit B (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
Exhibit B - GCs - v.3.0 744.8 KB
Exhibit C (click to expand/collapse)
Exhibit D (click to expand/collapse)
Exhibit D - Appendices Platt Whitelaw (click to expand/collapse)
Exhibit D - Appendices SGPA (click to expand/collapse)
Exhibit D - Appendices Sprotte Watson (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
Golden Hill ES Appendix 01 - 2024-25 CALENDAR-TRADITIONAL 104.7 KB
Golden Hill ES Appendix 02 - SCHOOL BELL SCHEDULE 660.5 KB
Golden Hill ES Appendix 03 - DISTRICT SHUT-OFF PLAN Golden 348.8 KB
Golden Hill ES Appendix 04 - DISTRICT UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PLAN Golden 536.8 KB
Golden Hill ES Appendix 06 - GEOTECHNICAL BORINGS 593.4 KB
Golden Hill ES Appendix 07 - HAZ MAT Golden 109897007 L 4.5 MB
Golden Hill ES Appendix 08 - TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 1.4 MB
Golden Hill ES Appendix 09 - RECORD DRAWINGS 321.3 MB
Golden Hill ES Appendix 10 - PHASING PLAN 1.9 MB
Golden Hill ES Appendix 11 - GOLDEN 04-123602_103_DSA Approved 188.6 KB
Normal Heights ES Appendix 01 - 2024-25 CALENDAR-TRADITIONAL 105.0 KB
Normal Heights ES Appendix 02 - SCHOOL BELL SCHEDULE 138.8 KB
Normal Heights ES Appendix 03 - DISTRICT SHUT-OFF PLAN Normal 411.8 KB
Normal Heights ES Appendix 04 - DISTRICT UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PLAN Normal 479.6 KB
Normal Heights ES Appendix 05 - UTILITIES LOCATING REPORT 18.8 MB
Normal Heights ES Appendix 06 - GEOTECHNICAL BORINGS 639.5 KB
Normal Heights ES Appendix 07 - HAZ MAT Normal 109897008 L 6.0 MB
Normal Heights ES Appendix 08 - TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 1.2 MB
Normal Heights ES Appendix 09 - RECORD DRAWINGS 316.7 MB
Normal Heights ES Appendix 10 - PHASING PLAN 2.0 MB
Normal Heights ESAppendix 11 - NORMAL 04-123601_103_DSA Approved 192.3 KB
Rodriguez ES Appendix 01 - 2024-25 CALENDAR-TRADITIONAL 104.9 KB
Rodriguez ES Appendix 02 - SCHOOL BELL SCHEDULE 153.3 KB
Rodriguez ES Appendix 03 - DISTRICT SHUT-OFF PLAN 460.5 KB
Rodriguez ES Appendix 05 - UTILITY LOCATING REPORT 28.3 MB
Rodriguez ES Appendix 06 - GEOTECHNICAL BORINGS 713.0 KB
Rodriguez ES Appendix 07 - HAZ MAT Rodriguez 109897009 L 3.2 MB
Rodriguez ES Appendix 08 - TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 1.6 MB
Rodriguez ES Appendix 09 - RECORD DRAWINGS 317.9 MB
Rodriguez ES Appendix 10 - PHASING PLAN 2.3 MB
Rodriguez ES Appendix 11 - RODRIGUEZ 04-123603_103_DSA Approved 193.5 KB
Exhibit D - Appendices StudioWC (click to expand/collapse)
Exhibit D - Specifications Platt Whitelaw (click to expand/collapse)
Exhibit D - Specifications SGPA (click to expand/collapse)
Exhibit D - Specifications Sprotte Watson (click to expand/collapse)
Exhibit D - Specifications StudioWC (click to expand/collapse)
Site Visit Attendance List (click to expand/collapse)
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Name Size
Site Visit Attendees & Site Walk Handout - Solar Group C 5.1 MB